
The Stardust networks are closed for the season, as we rebuild.

An educational website about cosmology and stellar fusion.


Note this is not the website for the JPL/NASA Stardust spacecraft.   That site can be found at

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Last Update: January 12, 2024 4:43 PM -0800
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Note: Recent articles:

(Cosmos Magazine)We are stardust and big bang dust

(Gizmodo)Scientists locate neutron star collision that could have created our solar system's plutonium

(Big Think) Surprise: the Big Bang isn't the beginning of the universe anymore

(Quanta Magazine) Peptides on stardust may have proided a shortcut to life

(Eurasia Review) Was blueprint for life generated in Asteroids?

(Scientific American) All sand on earth could be made of star stuff

(Quanta Magazine) Inside Ancient Asteroids, Gamma Rays Made Building Blocks of Life

(Scientific American) How Star Collisions Forge the Universe's Heaviest Elements

(Universe Today) Could Life Exist in Molecular Clouds